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Health News and Tips

Select an article below to read more.

8 Steps to Good Nutrition Past the Age of 60

November 21, 2017

Good nutrition is important at any age, but when you are over the age of 60, there are a few special factors to consider.

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7 Signs and Symptoms of Type 2 Diabetes

November 8, 2017

Diabetes affects millions of people and can have catastrophic health consequences. If you think you may be at risk, contact your doctor and watch out for these symptoms.

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Your New Medicare Card Should Arrive Soon

November 1, 2017

Medicare is beginning to send out new cards to recipients. Here’s what you’ll need to know and what you should expect.

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Don’t Miss It: Medicare’s Annual Election Period is Open Now!

October 23, 2017

The Annual Election Period for Medicare began Oct 15 and will continue until Dec 7. That means it’s time to decide if you want to stay with your current Medicare plan or enroll in a different one.

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Staying Fit and Trim in Your Sixties and Beyond

October 18, 2017

Staying fit, trim, and in good health isn’t easy at any age, but it gets tougher as the years pass. Try these 7 tips for optimal health past the age of 60!

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